Student/Parent Responsibilities

Student/Parent Responsibilities

Registration Eligibility

Any student grade TK-12 for the 2023-2024 school year is eligible for participation. Elementary and middle school classes offer enrichment and supplemental education that will enhance a student’s learning experience. Many courses are offered for credit in grades 9-12.


Registration Restrictions

Only the legal guardian of a child may register for summer school. Students registered by someone other than a legal guardian, will be withdrawn and refunded the registration minus a $75.00 false registration fee.


Registration Process

Students must be registered based on the grade-level they are entering as of August 2024. Please remember and note, registration is on a “first received, first enrolled” basis.


Registration Confirmation

Final confirmation will be in the form of an email to the address submitted online during the registration process.



Refund Requests

Full refunds will be granted up to May 17, 2024 @midnight.  No refunds will be issued after May 17th @ midnight.


Combined Classes

In the event classes lack enrollment it is possible these classes will be combined with other similar classes to allow for combination level instruction.


Class Cancellations

In the event a class lacks enrollment it may be canceled. The student will have the opportunity to move to another class. If a class cannot be found, a full refund will be given.


Requested Schedule Changes

Schedule changes will be charged a non-refundable, $50 fee. The non-refundable processing fee will apply to each approved schedule change. Schedule change fees must be paid at the time of the request and are not refundable. All requests must be in writing and approved by a guardian. Schedule changes are based upon availability and are at the sole discretion of PTAffiliates. There will be NO schedule changes after May 17, 2024.


Students with Special Needs

The program is designed specifically as an enrichment program for students that are at or above grade level in academics and behavior. The program is not a remedial intervention program. San Marino Summer Academy welcomes all students of race, color, nationality, ethnic origin and sexual orientation.


Student Behavior Code of Conduct - Dismissal

Inappropriate behavior, misconduct and disruptions are not tolerated. A safe and positive learning environment will be maintained on campus and in class. We  maintain a zero tolerance policy in regards to the use and/or possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or weapons and instances of violence or harassment. All state laws and school regulations regarding student rights and responsibilities are in effect during the program. We reserve the right to remove any student whose conduct does not conform to the goals and standards mentioned, without prior notification to parents or guardians. If a student is dismissed for disciplinary reasons, there will be no refund for unused days.



For student safety, all absences must be reported to the school office first thing in the morning. In grades TK-7, attendance is for enrichment only, therefore attendance is optional, not mandatory. If a TK-7 student is absent they must report the absence to the office by using our online absence reporting form at Report an Absence or by visiting our website at, or by calling and leaving us a message at,  626-299-7062. In grades 8-12 attendance is required for class credit. If a student in grades 8-12 will be absent, please call 626-293-1227.



Any student needing to receive medication of any kind on campus must have a “Student Medication Form” on file at the office on the first day of classes. Forms available for download,


Notice of Non

Discrimination Policy

The PTAffiliates Summer School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school- administered programs.


Non Qualifying Child Care Expense Disclaimer

PTAffiliate's San Marino Summer Academy is a private school providing summer school education. Accordingly, amounts paid to provide education at the level of Kindergarten and above are not expenses for care and therefore do not qualify for the child care credit [Internal Revenue Code, Reg. 1.21-1(d)]. Therefore, no tax ID will be provided.




Tuition is Not a Charitable Deductible Contribution Disclaimer

Although PTAffiliates is a non-profit organization, registration for PTAffiliates Summer School classes is not a charitable contribution. The amounts paid to PTAffiliates do not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction because educational services are provided to the student enrolled in the summer school program.